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Business , Personal , Random • Apr 26, 2014

Everything in life is simply one big BALANCING ACT. I feel like i’m constantly trying to balance everything that goes on in my life. Personal items, work items, and all of those items that feel in between the two. Bills to pay, websites to update, events to attend, contests to create, and a large home to clean and care for.

Initially as I write this i’m feeling a bit like i’m complaining (thats what I started out intending to do.. honestly) but i’m truly not. I’m speaking truth. To be successful in anything that you do it’s all about the balancing. Some people call it multi-tasking or prioritizing but lets be honest your balancing. Juggling multiple events and activities is what makes you look and appear like you know what you are doing.

My new position not new position as an Administrative Assistant within my organization has spent the last two months putting me to this realization. I am loving this new position and all the benefits/perks that go along with it but it’s been a bit more of a challenge than I honestly was expecting it be. I would say it’s a challenge that i handle well and i’m loving! I work for a large back and get the pleasure of supporting 3 managers. I’m always on my toes!

How do YOU balance?