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Zero Points Plus

Farmers Market 2014

Good Eating , Personal • Aug 14, 2014


Let me be the first to admit that I could really care less about going to local farmers markets. I LOVE the idea of the farmers market (locally grown, etc) but sometimes the prices are just way to crazy. I understand its just the type of market but why would i want to spend all of my money on an expensive bag of spinach when i could go down the street to my local grocery store and get the same things for about 1/3rd of the cost? … other than wanting to help a local community?!

I know, I know, I sound a bit bitter about it, lol. I’ve learned going to the farmers market, we have quite a few in our area, is more about the experience. My partner Brian has been a longtime fan of the market. He goes every Saturday when he’s not working and even visits a smaller version that comes closer to our house on Thursdays. They always have a large selection of quality (quality meaning expensive) products and a lot of vendors know him by name. That helps the entire experience a bit more personal. Nobody at SAMS CLUB knows my name!

The experience is great. It’s always busy, the sites to take in are amazing, and it just makes you feel good. Does that sound to cheesy? A bit? No worries. I’m still a fan (when i actually go of course). And of course, that means when my wallet will allow me to go!