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Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Personal , Random • Jun 29, 2014


… or at least give me a hotdog and a beer, yes, that shall work. What a Baseball-Filled summer it has been! And surprisingly .. i’m not complaining! We went to the Boston Red Sox Vs. Cleveland Indians game about a month ago in Cleveland. Last week we went to see the Akron Rubber Ducks with a group of our work friends. I enjoyed both games and i’m excited to get to see another Cleveland Indians game this 4th of July!

It’s no secret that i’m not a big sports fan. Nothing wrong with sports i just don’t get into most of them. The only exception being WWE. Well, last year when Boston went to the World Series and i sat through numerous games to make the boyfriend happy i started to get into it (hopefully he’s not reading this). I enjoyed the games, i enjoyed the enthusiasm, and oddly enough i actually could understand simply enough what was going on.

Not understanding the game is probably one of the biggest reasons for not being very into spots. For example, Football, I have NO IDEA what is going on. I understand the basics of get the football from one end of the field to the other end of the field without getting the living daylights sacked out of you but i don’t understand the logistics of the game. Downs? What the hell is a down? I’ve never figured that out. The numbers on the field. Why? Don’t get those either. Thus, my lack of understanding is probably the reason i don’t enjoy watching those sports.

We don’t watch a lot of the Boston games simply because we don’t get them on our local TV. I think that certain ESPN channels may get them but we don’t subscribe to anything beyond the basic 1000 channels, lol. Instead we actually listed to the games! You can download the MLB app on your phone and for a small monthly fee we can listen to all of the games. I think that you can actually watch them to but i’ve never played around with that feature because it’s on my phone. Ain’t nobody got time for that?!

I even bought a baseball glove to play catch with the boyfriend! I admit i’m a bit afraid of the ball (don’t hate) but i enjoyed the one time we’ve actually done it. He was actually a bit worse than i thought he would be (again.. i hope he’s not reading). Then again, he doesn’t play all that often himself.

How is your summer going?! Anything exciting going on over the next few months?

WWE Network

WWE • Feb 10, 2014

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I can’t even tell you how freaking EXCITED I am for the upcoming WWE NETWORK!

As a longtime WWE fan I think this is a genius idea! I have been a WWE follower for probably almost 17 years now (yes .. i’m turning 27 in a week!). The WWE Attitude era was one point in WWE history that has yet to be topped. The company has tried, tried and tried again but everytime they fail to surpass just the overall feeling of that time period in sports entertainment history.

One big problem as a fan is that I really haven’t been able, or had the ability, to watch the Pay-Per-View events. Besides the fact that they are expensive i’ve never had a cable box! Now don’t get me wrong, I do have cable, but i’ve never had a box. I’m one of those people that still have an original TIVO box. Because of the Tivo we don’t have the ability to order PPV events.

Quite awhile back WWE introduced Pay-Per-View streaming on their website. I’ve watched quite a few over the years via that method. But again, who wants to spend 3 or 4 hours sitting at their computer watching the event. Not fun.. i’d rather sit by my TV and use my computer, lol.

Last year WWE introduced the WWE Mobile App. You could then order PPV events via that. The great thing there is that I could order the even on my iPad and then stream it to my TV via Apple TV. FINALLY – i had a solution. But again, the price. They run $40 – $60 depending on the individual event so I really just had to pick and choose what it was I wanted to order throughout the year.

I tended to always order WRESTLEMANIA and the ROYAL RUMBLE. Both are my absolute favorites. Other than that I honestly would just pick and choose what it was i wanted throughout the year.

Now – for only $10 a month you get ALL OF THIS. It’s available the same way systems like Netflix and Hulu are now. I’ll be able to watch on my phone, my computer and i’m sure directly on my TV via Tivo and Playstation. I guess this brings me to some concerns…

The first is the fact that WWE is already hitting many roadblocks. The creative team behind the scripting is just not all there, all the time. Now – not all of it is bad. It just gets old. It gets boring at times. And it sure is all is no attitude era. Either way – I am still excited and I can’t wait until it’s roll out at the end of the month. Nothing better than ALL WWE ALL THE TIME!