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Fall Television

Personal • Nov 3, 2012

I am generally a big fan of falls television. It really takes me back to being a kid, school getting started, and life getting settled for the year! I always look forward to the new shows and new episodes of old favorites. I’ve been a big fan of Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, 90210, and other miscellaneous reality television shows.

Although Grey’s Anatomy is a bit different then past seasons i’ve been happy with whats happened this far in the season. Lexi Grey was one of my favorite characters and i’m very sad to see her character go from the show. It’s just not the same. I think that the actress that played her (sorry, i’m not sure of her name) is a phenomenal actress. Very few actresses can channel a character as crazy and quirky as Lexi Grey.

Gossip Girl and 90210 both have really weird/unusual story lines this year. For any regular watchers of Gossip Girl you will know exactly what I am talking about. The characters are all acting weird and there are SO MANY unusual things happening on the show. For example… Rufus and Ivy? Really.. doesn’t even make sense. And where the hell has Lilly been this entire season? I feel like we rarely see her (and of course she is one of my favorite characters). Blair isn’t as sassy as past seasons, Chuck is SOOOOOO tame, and Serena is just not Serena at all. Nate and Dan I feel are the only two characters that are acting pretty much like themselves.

Side note.. I did just get approved for the Nate Archibald fanlisting!

90210 is just weird. I know I keep using that word but the story lines are getting unusual. I was with the show for awhile but I feel like a few of the side relationships and side bar conversations aren’t what they could be. As much as I love Annie on the show I feel like they should really straighten up her characters or get rid of her. I think she is the one oddball character that doesn’t seem to do a whole lot for the show. Last season they started her out as a loner and now she’s back to popular and when the show FIRST aired she was the main focus of the show. I don’t know… perhaps I just don’t get it.

Reality TV I think is getting ready to really start booming. The Real Housewives of Atlanta and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are both coming back this coming week. I am extremely excited for both. The Beverly Hills housewives are my favorite to watch. I’m a bit sad that Camille is no longer on the show but I don’t feel like it will effect the outcome very much. The main reason (only 2 reason’s) why I like the Atlanta housewives so much is Nene and Kim. I really think that the two of them really make the show what it is. If either one every left permanently the show would never be the same.

Any other thoughts on fall TV? Any other shows that are recommended to watch?

10 Simple Things To Make You Happier At Home

Personal • Nov 1, 2012

image source: bettle brained

I found this great post on little things that you can do to brighten your day. Not only are they quick, easy, and simple but anybody can do these things for quick pick-me-ups. I’ve never really wanted to re-post other peoples blogs (this isn’t a twitter page) but I really thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and would love to share it with others. I have added a few of my own comments into the list as well.

Our homes are an extension of who we are: what we do within the walls of our abodes shapes our mood, affects our productivity, and influences our outlook on life. Scientific studies have shown that we can have an impact on our happiness by adjusting the tiny little habits and routines that constitute our daily lives — we are, in fact, in control of our outlook on life.

It’s amazing how a few tweaks to our daily habits can become a catalyst for meaningful, positive change. Here are a few simple things you can do every day to feel happier at home.

1. Make your bed. In a popular post last month, I explained the many benefits of daily bed-making. Gretchen Rubin, New York Times best-selling author of The Happiness Project, explains that this three minute task is one of the simplest habits you can adopt to positively impact your happiness.

I remember as a kid getting so annoyed when my mom made it very clear that I wasn’t aloud to leave the house or do anything until my bed was made. If it wasn’t made my mom made her point again very clear and I generally spent a day or two stuck to that bed! haha

2. Bring every room back to “ready.” I learned this trick from Marilyn Paul’s clever book, It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys. It’s a known fact: Clutter causes stress; order creates a haven from it. This mood-boosting routine is simple: Take about three minutes to bring each room back to “ready” before you depart it. (Unless you have a toddler, or a partner who likes to simulate earthquakes, three minutes should be sufficient.)

This is important and its one of those things that I just can’t wrap my brain around. I’ve never been able to pick up my mess as I go and then I end up spending a few days cleaning up a mess that I could have avoided to begin with!

3. Display sentimental items around your home. One reason that experiences (and memories of those experiences) make us happier than material things is due to the entire cycle of enjoyment that experiences provide: planning the experience, looking forward to the experience, enjoying the experience, and then remembering the experience. Make your home a gallery of positive memories.

This isn’t an issue in my home and has never been an issue with pretty much everyone that I know. My only two cents for this is that you should make those items relevant and matching. My partner has a tendency to put knick-knacks together just for the sake of having everything displayed. Ya.. Um.. NO! DO NOT put things out just to put them out. There is nothing wrong with rotating items around.

4. Start a one-line-a-day gratitude journal. Before bed, simply jot down one happy memory from that day. (If you have kids, you can ask them, “What was the best part of today?”) Reflection is an important part of happiness, and pausing to reflect on a positive event from each day cultivates gratitude. (An added bonus: Later, when your memory is defunct, you will already have all of your meaningful adventures recorded!) If you have trouble getting started with journaling, consider buying a book to guide you. Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach, is a great one.

Journaling has been tough for me. I’ve never been able to keep up with it regularly but a one-line-a-day project is something that I think that i’m really going to consider next year.

5. If you can’t get out of it, get into it. This tip comes from The Happiness Project. I love the message: The dishes are not going to clean themselves, so you will do it, and you will like it! (Unless, of course, you can outsource this job, in which case I say: Nice work!) Otherwise, get into doing the dishes. Feel the soothing warm water on your hands. Enjoy the tickle of the tiny bubbles. Crank your favorite album at an unusually loud volume, do a couple fist-pumps while shouting “Can I get a hell yeah for the dishes? Hell! Yeah!” and pretend you love it.

I completely agree. I think that this is particularly important at work. We all have to do things we aren’t fond of. Get over it and get used to it! The only one thats not going to change is you.

6. Before you get up each morning, set an intent for the day. In The Art of Happiness, the Dali Lama says “”Every day, think as you wake up: today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.” Wow. What a wise man. I tend to wake up with a strong visceral reaction that says, “Attention human beings: Be afraid of me before coffee. Be very afraid!” Setting a daily intent makes a huge difference. Your daily intent could be something like “be productive” or “enjoy today’s delicious moments” or it could be something more specific like “say thank you to my loved ones today.” But it should not be another “to do” item on your list.

As I first began reading this I thought “great.. I can add it to my to-do list to make sure that it works”. Well, no. As you read on it mentions not doing that and making it more of a purpose for your day.

7. Do small favors for your housemates, expecting nothing in return (not even a thank you!). (That’s right, I said it: nothing!) Mow the lawn for your husband, but don’t expect him to pat you on the back. Make the bed for your wife, but don’t try to get bonus points for it. Take the trash out for your roommate, just because. The ability to cultivate strong, healthy relationships is one of the biggest contributors to health and happiness, but when you start to keep score, the benefit is lost. (No! It’s YOUR turn to clean up the dog poop!) It’s a well-known fact: When you do good, you feel good.

When you do good, you feel good. Knowing that you’ve done something good for someone else will make you feel good. Why not strengthen a relationship or two?

8. Call at least one friend or family member a day. You can do this while you clean, while you make the bed, or while you walk the dog. Texts and emails do not count! Make an actual phone call to a loved one, just to chat and catch up. We humans are social beings and studies show that even when we don’t feel like it, even if we are naturally introverted, socializing with our loved ones makes us feel better.

This I shall begin today! I so many times think about how I should have called this person or should really call that person a little more. My grandparents especially. I think how I don’t have time, i’m too busy, or just forgot. I need to make it a priority each day.

9. Spend money on things that cultivate experiences at home. Save money for a new grill for parties or a new DVD for family movie night — something that will encourage you to have people over and entertain. Plan a summer barbeque, invite your closest friends, kick back and relax. (And don’t forget to print out the pictures to remember the good times.)

I feel as if I disagree with this… sort of. I don’t buy games thinking of who it is I can invite over to play the game. But instead, spend your money on events you can due together. Perhaps events to a local winery, concert, or just a quick shopping trip together.

10. Spend a few minutes each day connecting with something greater than yourself. Whatever your spiritual beliefs — or non-beliefs — may be, studies show that connecting to a high power is correlated with happiness. Just stepping back to realize that we are part of an enormous universe can put some perspective on your annoyance with the those-are-definitely-not-mine-and-they-are-abso-fricking-lutely-repulsive socks under the coffee table. Before bed, spend just a few minutes contemplating something larger than yourself. Take a walk in nature. Write in a journal. Create a sacred space in your home. (Or if spirituality is really not your thing, create a home spa: light some candles, soak in a hot bath, delve into a good book… are you feeling better yet?)



Personal • Oct 31, 2012

I have to admit that there is nothing I love more than a rainy day off. Is that weird? Everybody seems to think that i’m crazy, haha. I just feel like I get SO much more done because i’m forced to stay inside and actually get things done!

I’ve got a GREAT new WordPress layout in the works thanks to the ever-talented works of CRAZY CORDY DESIGNS. No planned completion date and beyond that i’m not sure when exactly I will implement the new design into the site. I still really like the current design but i’m feeling as if its a bit to basic for what i’m wanting right now.

I decided re-add the BLOGROLL link on the left side of the screen. I removed it awhile ago and decided that it was time to put it back. I do visit a lot of blogs on a regular basis and I think that it’s a great way to get the names out of other great sites. It’s all about networking!

On a completely different note i’ve just begun watching Desperate Housewives. Where the heck have I been??!! I have never seen a single episode since its debut. I’m slowly moving through Season 1. I think it will be a great new show to catch up on (well, watch) through the snowy winter months. Last year my obsession was GOSSIP GIRLThis current, and final, season i’m finally able to watch and actually be completely caught up on what is going on!

OH! Forgot to mention the candle in the photo. Its a newer candle from Bath & Body Works. It’s called Sandalwood Vanilla. I’m a big fan of vanilla candles and thought that this would be something a little different as well as a bit fall. The scent is good but I don’t know that its something i’d ever purchase again. Its one of those candles that has a great smell the next day, long after its done burning.


Reviews • Oct 23, 2012

Stars: Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Rating: R
Overall Rating: ♣ ♣ ♣ 

Found footage helps a true-crime author realize how and why a family was murdered in his new home, though his discoveries put his entire family in the path of a supernatural entity.

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this movie as much as I actually did. I’m not a big horror movie fan but this time of year I just can’t help but indulge myself in a good horror flick (or two). I had seen previous for this and though that it looked like it might be something a little different then the horribly cheesy movies that come out around this time of year.

The plot to the movie is interesting, VERY interesting. I’m realizing that as i’m typing this there really isn’t much that I can say without giving away the movie. So please, be prepared, there may be an accidental spoiler leak so please proceed with caution.

The story is about a one-hit-wonder true crime author that moves to a small town. The key thing is that the town is home to a brutal crime and a missing child. Not only does the man move his family to this small town be he moves them right into the house where the crime happened. The story unfolds as unusual things begin to happen to the family within the home. The story continues to evolve as the family deals with the house changing as well. I know.. sounds weird. Thats the point!

The author ends up unravelling more and more gut wrenching details about the crimes he came to write about as the story goes on and slowly he becomes lost in his own nightmare. The ending to this movie is great. It really ties everything together better than most. You are in no way left hanging. I rate this a 3 and a definite must see! CAUTION: nightmares are to be expected!