Farmers Market 2014

Good Eating , Personal • Aug 14, 2014


Let me be the first to admit that I could really care less about going to local farmers markets. I LOVE the idea of the farmers market (locally grown, etc) but sometimes the prices are just way to crazy. I understand its just the type of market but why would i want to spend all of my money on an expensive bag of spinach when i could go down the street to my local grocery store and get the same things for about 1/3rd of the cost? … other than wanting to help a local community?!

I know, I know, I sound a bit bitter about it, lol. I’ve learned going to the farmers market, we have quite a few in our area, is more about the experience. My partner Brian has been a longtime fan of the market. He goes every Saturday when he’s not working and even visits a smaller version that comes closer to our house on Thursdays. They always have a large selection of quality (quality meaning expensive) products and a lot of vendors know him by name. That helps the entire experience a bit more personal. Nobody at SAMS CLUB knows my name!

The experience is great. It’s always busy, the sites to take in are amazing, and it just makes you feel good. Does that sound to cheesy? A bit? No worries. I’m still a fan (when i actually go of course). And of course, that means when my wallet will allow me to go!

Jessica Simpson – Moving Forward

Personal , Random , Weight Watchers • Aug 13, 2014


This week was one of those that i was genuinely excited to have my People Magazine subscription (most weeks i just wish that i hadn’t gotten it). I don’t think that Jessica Simpson could have looked anymore stunning.

I have been a fan of Jessica since her debut back in the 90’s. I genuinely feel that when compared to her peers at the time (Christina, Britney, Mandy, JLO) she was far superior. She had the looks, the personality, and her music was genuinely good. I think that she just wasn’t ‘sexy’ enough to compete and her first single was the wrong choice.

I was also a fan of Jessica with Nick Lachey. I enjoyed watching Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica. I also think that i was also genuinly sad when their divorced was announced in 2005. I know, i sound like a lunatic but it’s true. I thought they had a great relationship and the show made it look as if they truly supported what the other did. In the end, i feel as if Nick may have been a bit jealous of the success that Jessica continued to have.

Regardless, Jessica really has taken an at times dismal music career and turned it into an empire! Not the music of course but the brand. I read somewhere that Jessica is the first artist to break the ONE BILLION mark. I would assume that is encompassing all of her brands from music to bags to even perfume (also a fan). I think that she took rough moments in her life and really turned it into success.

Jessica looked absolutely beautiful on her wedding day. I think that she did everything right (from the article). Although… she had 14 bridesmaids. Really? To each their own! I look forward to what the future holds for Jessica!

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Personal , Random • Jun 29, 2014


… or at least give me a hotdog and a beer, yes, that shall work. What a Baseball-Filled summer it has been! And surprisingly .. i’m not complaining! We went to the Boston Red Sox Vs. Cleveland Indians game about a month ago in Cleveland. Last week we went to see the Akron Rubber Ducks with a group of our work friends. I enjoyed both games and i’m excited to get to see another Cleveland Indians game this 4th of July!

It’s no secret that i’m not a big sports fan. Nothing wrong with sports i just don’t get into most of them. The only exception being WWE. Well, last year when Boston went to the World Series and i sat through numerous games to make the boyfriend happy i started to get into it (hopefully he’s not reading this). I enjoyed the games, i enjoyed the enthusiasm, and oddly enough i actually could understand simply enough what was going on.

Not understanding the game is probably one of the biggest reasons for not being very into spots. For example, Football, I have NO IDEA what is going on. I understand the basics of get the football from one end of the field to the other end of the field without getting the living daylights sacked out of you but i don’t understand the logistics of the game. Downs? What the hell is a down? I’ve never figured that out. The numbers on the field. Why? Don’t get those either. Thus, my lack of understanding is probably the reason i don’t enjoy watching those sports.

We don’t watch a lot of the Boston games simply because we don’t get them on our local TV. I think that certain ESPN channels may get them but we don’t subscribe to anything beyond the basic 1000 channels, lol. Instead we actually listed to the games! You can download the MLB app on your phone and for a small monthly fee we can listen to all of the games. I think that you can actually watch them to but i’ve never played around with that feature because it’s on my phone. Ain’t nobody got time for that?!

I even bought a baseball glove to play catch with the boyfriend! I admit i’m a bit afraid of the ball (don’t hate) but i enjoyed the one time we’ve actually done it. He was actually a bit worse than i thought he would be (again.. i hope he’s not reading). Then again, he doesn’t play all that often himself.

How is your summer going?! Anything exciting going on over the next few months?

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

Good Eating , Health , Weight Watchers • Jun 2, 2014


In my last ditch effort to attempt to eliminate pop i’ve been trying to stick with fruit infused waters. I LOVE carbonated water so i don’t really have a problem ditching pop for that. It’s pricey to buy and I have a machine that carbonates water instantly. Attempting to get in more water, more fruit, etc i found these great tips!

1. It’s a great source of vitamin C.

No, not the pop singer. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for giving our body the immune boost it needs to stay in check. When vitamin C levels are low, little to no repair happens in the body. These citrus delights are also high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium helps reduce free radicals, increases red blood cell production and controls blood pressure. What does all this mean in real-talk? More energy, clearer skin, anti-aging properties, less sickness, less stress, and more focus! Um, yes please.

2. It balances pH levels.

Our pH level speaks to the balance between the alkaline and acidic properties in the body. When our body enters a more acidic state, it breeds sickness and disease. This is news to many people, because so often disease feels like an isolated event that can’t be controlled. While there are many factors to disease, controlling what you can is a great way to give your body the attention it deserves. Add more alkaline foods, and your whole body starts to wake up, repair, fight, and become a power-house of healing and rejuvenating. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around!

3. It aids weight loss.

Did you know that if your body is out of balance it is incredibly difficult to lose weight? Having a happy, healthy body and mind is one of the fastest ways to weight loss. A more alkaline diet makes for a happier person, and according to Eating Well Magazine, people with more alkaline diets tend to lose weight faster. Also, lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps set your body back to normal hunger levels. On board yet? If not, don’t worry there are two more genius benefits coming your way.

4. It improves digestion.

The way your gut processes food has everything to do with — yep, you guessed it — your happiness! A clogged or misfiring digestive tract usually indicates a bigger problem in the body. Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials, and encourages the production of bile in your body. This synergistic effect helps to soothe and normalize the the body’s digestive process.

5. It helps you kick the coffee habit.

I swoon over coffee. The aroma, the color, the flavor. It just gets me. In more ways than I could possibly list here. But it also gets my nervous system, digestion, and energy, and not in an endearing way. I finally kicked the habit 100% about four months ago (no more casual dating for me). Adding lemon into my diet was essential. Don’t get me wrong, kicking coffee is NOT easy, especially if you’re a regular. Having something to replace it with is essential to making the transition less shocking on the body.

The last one is completely unnecessary so i removed it, haha! Any other healthy suggestions for getting in that water minimum?

Book Review: A Piece of Cake (a memoir) by Cupcake Brown

Literature , Reviews • May 31, 2014


I’ve read some really good books over my somewhat short 27 years. REALLY good books. I was browsing the shelves at Barnes & Noble a couple of months back when I came upon ‘A Piece of Cake‘. It, as a lot of books always are, was in the by 2 get 1 free section of the store. Generally my first stop when visiting a store like that.

Good Reads states the following –

This is the heart-wrenching true story of a girl named Cupcake and it begins when, aged eleven, she is orphaned and placed in the ‘care’ of sadistic foster parents. But there comes a point in her preteen years – maybe it’s the night she first tries to run away and is exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex all at once – when Cupcake’s story shifts from a tear-jerking tragedy to a dark, deeply disturbing journey through hell.

The back of the book is a bit different but states basically the same. I mean, a journey through hell? I don’t want to sound like a crazy person (generally i’m trying to avoid that) but that sounded like something that I just had to read.

My idea of this book was that it would be somethings similar to ‘A Million Little Pieces‘. Everybody knows that story. The author that Oprah went crazy over and the entire book turned out to be more of a fabrication than a memoir.Well, i was wrong. Although i found it to be a similar concept the actual layout of the book and of course the story was completely different.
