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Welcome 2013

Holidays , Personal , Random • Jan 1, 2013


Well, another new year is upon us. Another chance for each of us to plan out our new years resolutions and attempt to correct all of our mistakes from 2012. I spend each New Year’s Eve trying to figure out a list of my new years resolutions. This year I decided that I was not going to do this BUT it just wouldn’t be a new year without my resolutions!

RESOLUTION #1 – ORGANIZATION. I have committed myself to utilizing a 2013 Moleskin planner that I purchased from Barnes & Noble. Tracking my work schedule, tracking my bills, tracking fanlistings/blogs, and overall just tracking everything in my life will (hopefully) insure my organization.

Organization has always been tough for me. No real reason why. I’m a bit of a procrastinator. I put things off, I end up losing things, and overall get my dates mixed up. The only time I get a fanlisting on the overdue troubles list is simply because I didn’t document somewhere when it was due. I have found that when I use a planner that things get done and they get done on time!

RESOLUTION #2 – GAIN CONTROL OF FINANCES. I plan to do this by setting a budget and really sticking to this budget. I overspend continuously and spend money that is not necessary.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many half used bottles of foundation I currently have in my bathroom, its crazy! I do believe that I work hard for my money and can enjoy the simple luxuries of spending money on myself. I still plan to do this but in a more cautious manner. So much of my money is wasted on food and eating out when we could easily utilize coupons and grocery store specials to make great meals.

RESOLUTION #3 – GAIN HTML/PHOTOSHOP/WORDPRESS KNOWLEDGE. Learn how to create some of my own wordpress themes. I have friends that make beautifully stunning layouts and there really is no reason why I can’t do the same. This would go hand-in-hand with finances as well.

Nothing is wrong with paying for a beautiful layout. You shall notice the beautiful new layout I am currently using from CRAZY CORDY DESIGNS. But I really need to limit myself and only purchase when necessary. When I buy these layouts it’s important that I use them for a more extended period of time as well.

I truly can think of many more resolutions but I’ve been guilty in the past of having TOO MANY and then not sticking to any of them. If I set 3 and they all go hand-in-hand 2013 really will be a success.

2012 was truly a year of mixed emotions. I lost the most important women in my life towards the beginning. I gained a promotion that i’ve been waiting (and busting my butt) 3 years for. I revamped God Give Me TruthObsession, and A Public Affair. My relationship hit a low point and then yet another peak. I crawled out of debt. I bought my DREAM CAR. I saw a handful of amazing concerts and shows as well as an amazing live WWE RAW SUPERSHOW.

I look back on the year and have some of the greatest memories and some of the worst memories. I’m moving forward into 2013 with high hopes, great resolutions, and much to look forward to. New years blogs are some of my favorites to read so please let me know about your resolutions!


Personal • Oct 31, 2012

I have to admit that there is nothing I love more than a rainy day off. Is that weird? Everybody seems to think that i’m crazy, haha. I just feel like I get SO much more done because i’m forced to stay inside and actually get things done!

I’ve got a GREAT new WordPress layout in the works thanks to the ever-talented works of CRAZY CORDY DESIGNS. No planned completion date and beyond that i’m not sure when exactly I will implement the new design into the site. I still really like the current design but i’m feeling as if its a bit to basic for what i’m wanting right now.

I decided re-add the BLOGROLL link on the left side of the screen. I removed it awhile ago and decided that it was time to put it back. I do visit a lot of blogs on a regular basis and I think that it’s a great way to get the names out of other great sites. It’s all about networking!

On a completely different note i’ve just begun watching Desperate Housewives. Where the heck have I been??!! I have never seen a single episode since its debut. I’m slowly moving through Season 1. I think it will be a great new show to catch up on (well, watch) through the snowy winter months. Last year my obsession was GOSSIP GIRLThis current, and final, season i’m finally able to watch and actually be completely caught up on what is going on!

OH! Forgot to mention the candle in the photo. Its a newer candle from Bath & Body Works. It’s called Sandalwood Vanilla. I’m a big fan of vanilla candles and thought that this would be something a little different as well as a bit fall. The scent is good but I don’t know that its something i’d ever purchase again. Its one of those candles that has a great smell the next day, long after its done burning.

Updates Coming

Random , Uncategorized • Jan 19, 2012

I have been working hard at rebuilding that site from the ground up for the last few months. Its been tough! Having some trouble with Enthusiast and WordPress but figure that I can work it all out soon by just not mixing the two together! So… Happy New Year & Stay Tuned!

REVIEW: Harry Potter 7

Reviews • Jul 24, 2011

Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, and Mystery
Rating: PG-13
Overall Rating: ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣  

The final chapter begins as Harry, Ron, and Hermione continue their quest of finding and destroying the Dark Lord’s three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered, and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins and life as they know it will never be the same again.

I have to admit that I did very much enjoy the final installment of Harry Potter, but overall  felt it could have been a bit better. Being that this was going to be the final installment of the ever successful movie/book franchise I was expecting so much more that what the movie delivered. The plot was very simple, the magical objects that held the key to Lord Voldemort where all easily destroyed, and the acting from two of the lead actors (Emma Watson and Rupert Grint) was very dismal (I do LOVE LOVE LOVE Emma Watson though!).

I was much anticipating this movie because of how boring the last movie was. I’m not saying that in a bad way either, I fully understand that part 6 was only leading into part 7 but still found it to be completely and utterly a waste of my time (sorry Harry). Understanding that part 6 was leading into part 7 made me want to see 7 so much more. I do feel as if part 6 was designed to be somewhat boring to lead you head first into part 7. And that I have to admit it did well.

As I said previously the means by which each magic object that held Lord Voldemort’s power were each obtained and destroyed was displayed as being very simple. I felt there should have been more involved and a bit more exciting. The first item, the cup, I though was silly in how it was obtained. (really? everything multiplying?) I do admit that the second item, the tiara, was a bit more exciting and less predictable. The third item (i won’t spoil what it was) I though could have been a bit more exciting. I mean… doesn’t Hermione know more magic tricks?

Now, I know that people disagree with my comments on Rupert and Emma but I stand by them. I don’t think the poor acting was completely their fault. I’m sure it has to do with poor script writing for them. They are such huge characters and it almost seemed as if their scenes could have been filmed in a days time.

The effects in this movie are absolutely stunning! Visually, I think that this movie is one of the best. It seems to be one of the least stunning out of the franchise but there are a few scenes that really take your eyes for a strong journey through the world of Harry Potter. One of the first items to really stand out was when the force field around Hogwarts was destroyed. Visually this was a very appealing scene to watch.

Even though I have never been a Harry Potter follower I have scene all of the movies in theaters and very much enjoyed all of them as they have been released. I am a bit bummed that the series is ending. The one things about the ending of this movie is that (1) its predictable, i won’t tell you why for fear of running the movie, and (2) it does successfully wrap up the series and potentially lead into a new series!

Last Day of Recovery

Personal • Jul 19, 2011

Had surgery last Monday to repair an inguinal hernia on my left side. It’s been nice to relax and see some movies but tomorrow it’s time to get back to the real world!