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god give me truth

WWE Network

WWE • Feb 10, 2014

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I can’t even tell you how freaking EXCITED I am for the upcoming WWE NETWORK!

As a longtime WWE fan I think this is a genius idea! I have been a WWE follower for probably almost 17 years now (yes .. i’m turning 27 in a week!). The WWE Attitude era was one point in WWE history that has yet to be topped. The company has tried, tried and tried again but everytime they fail to surpass just the overall feeling of that time period in sports entertainment history.

One big problem as a fan is that I really haven’t been able, or had the ability, to watch the Pay-Per-View events. Besides the fact that they are expensive i’ve never had a cable box! Now don’t get me wrong, I do have cable, but i’ve never had a box. I’m one of those people that still have an original TIVO box. Because of the Tivo we don’t have the ability to order PPV events.

Quite awhile back WWE introduced Pay-Per-View streaming on their website. I’ve watched quite a few over the years via that method. But again, who wants to spend 3 or 4 hours sitting at their computer watching the event. Not fun.. i’d rather sit by my TV and use my computer, lol.

Last year WWE introduced the WWE Mobile App. You could then order PPV events via that. The great thing there is that I could order the even on my iPad and then stream it to my TV via Apple TV. FINALLY – i had a solution. But again, the price. They run $40 – $60 depending on the individual event so I really just had to pick and choose what it was I wanted to order throughout the year.

I tended to always order WRESTLEMANIA and the ROYAL RUMBLE. Both are my absolute favorites. Other than that I honestly would just pick and choose what it was i wanted throughout the year.

Now – for only $10 a month you get ALL OF THIS. It’s available the same way systems like Netflix and Hulu are now. I’ll be able to watch on my phone, my computer and i’m sure directly on my TV via Tivo and Playstation. I guess this brings me to some concerns…

The first is the fact that WWE is already hitting many roadblocks. The creative team behind the scripting is just not all there, all the time. Now – not all of it is bad. It just gets old. It gets boring at times. And it sure is all is no attitude era. Either way – I am still excited and I can’t wait until it’s roll out at the end of the month. Nothing better than ALL WWE ALL THE TIME!


Personal , Random • Feb 8, 2014

I don’t know why i find journaling so chalenging. Not challenging as in I cant do it – it’s just i’m never motivated to do it. Is that lame? lol.

When my grandmother (dads mother) passed a couple of years ago the only thing that I truly wanted of hers was her journals. I always had the understand that she kept those journals (and she truly did journal daily) for the majority of her life. Although I haven’t truly taken the time yet to read through all of them it was awesome to read the things that I did.

On the flip side though I think that at times what your reading can be a bit sad. She felt different at times about various situations that she never shared with anybody. You can’t go back and change those situations but it’s good insight for future events.

So that leads me to keeping my own journal. I’ve debated over the years on if I should keep a paper journal or digital journal. Over the last few years i’ve really tried to keep both. The digital journal is easier, you don’t have to worry about where it’s at, and of course it’s passcode protected.

But .. at the same time it’s kind of nice to sit and write in a paper journal. Something a bit relaxing about it i guess. I was diagnosed with the onset of carpel tunnel last year so thats one thing to think about as well. It’s a bit painful to write at times so the digital option can somewhat remain easier.

I’ve also been using the Day One app for sometime now. It syncs between my ipad, computer and my iPad which is awesome. I really don’t have a reason to not journal because of truly how easy it is.

I guess that brings me back to my original point though – if it’s so easy for me to have access to journal then why the hell don’t i do it? Does anyone out there keep a journal? If you keep a journal then how often do you take the time to actual write in it and update it.

Looking Back – Internet

GGMT , Personal , Random • Jan 26, 2014

I’ve spent the majority of my morning playing around with ARCHIVE.ORG. How freakin’ cool is this site? It really takes me back to when I started graphic design, blogging and fanlistings. Some of it I thought ‘oh god – how embarrassing’ but then i realized how proud I am of some of that cheesy work!

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This is the first splash page for the original God Give Me Truth site. That was an original .com site that unfortunately, due to laziness, i lost. My original site in 2001 was HisWorld.Net followed by a celebrity fan site called MrLachey.Com. I’ve had numerous other items along the way such as a TCG, numerous fanlistings, blend sites, a Britney Spears fan site and even a couple of forums along the way. It truly has been a wild ride over the past 13 years but I don’t regret any of it!

I’ve looked to get GGMT off for years now. Recently I had a beautiful logo created by Jenn @ Hello Brio. Excited to finally get that up and running. Business cards, updated design, who knows! Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this journey over the years. I hope that it only gets better from here!

99 Questions No One Asks

Random • Jan 26, 2014

So i’ve had this list for a little while. I got it from Leander @ Blog On The DList. I thought it was different than a lot of the random surveys. I also found a 2013 one I might consider. Enjoy! And don’t judge, haha.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

The room that we sleep in I believe generally has the closet doors open but my room (where my clothes are) the door is generally closed.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

OMG, sometimes! My partner generally gets pretty upset but I feel like i’m paying for all of this free crap!

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Tucked in i guess, lol. I mean they are tucked in each day but then you have to sleep in them!

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

Actually YES! Growing up we had some random street close to us. A friend of a friend had that last name!


Weight Watchers – A Journey

Health , Personal , Weight Watchers • Mar 22, 2013

252267_10151180755280958_1378249406_nWeight loss has been a struggle for me my entire life. I remember deciding that I wanted to do my first diet on summer break between my Sophomore and Junior year of high school. I remember for the first time in my life thinking that I was FAT. The diet was nothing special. I don’t remember the amount of I lost but I remember the feeling after that first journey.

7 years ago, at age 19, I was again faced with the same issues I dealt with in high school. Alone, working retail in a mall, going to school full time, I let myself get to a record high of 325 POUNDS. No, i’m not kidding. 325 pounds was, and still thankfully is, my max weight. Wearing an XL DRESS SHIRT with buttons about to burst I knew that it was again time to make a huge change and I had to do it fast.

One of the ladies that I worked with had this great idea to try WEIGHT WATCHERS. She said that we could buy the books to do the program offline and read about how to do the program online as well. As crazy as it sounds that is exactly what we did.

I feel that the program is pretty straight forward. You are allotted a specific amount of ‘points’ per day based on you sex, age, activity level, and current weight. The goal is to eat within those specific points each day and the end result is that you lose weight. Well.. it works!

I’ve tried NutriSystem, The South Beach Diet, Slim Fast, The Master Cleanse, and many other random diets (just google diets and the crap that appears will blow your mind). This was the first diet where I could eat whatever I wanted and not have to feel any guilt. If I wanted to go out and get a quadruple cheeseburger I could. I learned that there were consequences to what I was eating though. If I ate that burger than there was nothing else that I was going to be able to eat that day.

7 Years ago I went from 325 pounds down to 225 pounds. It all took less than a year to do it as well. I have spent the last few years (and attempted a few of those crazy fad diets as well) fluctuating between 200 and 225. I was a big fan of NutriSystem but the cost was way to expensive. I used Slim Fast to get down to around 180. I still struggled back and forth with different diets.

When February began I had another co-worker who had the bright idea to do Weight Watchers and wanted someone to do it with. I stepped up at around 175 pounds and decided it was time, once and for all, to finish my weight loss journey and get exactly where I need to be.

Now, almost 2 months into the program, I am down another 15 pounds and am around 160. The sad part about this journey, and also the most shocking to me, is that my co-worker has fallen off of the band wagon and i’m still going strong! We head to VEGAS next week so i’m hoping that I can stay on the diet with no issues.