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Seasons Greetings

GGMT , Holidays , Personal • Dec 5, 2016

seasonsgreetingsTis’ the season! Holiday decorations, pine scented candles, christmas lights, decorated trees, hot chocolate and so much more! There are so many great things to love about the holiday season. It’s my favorite time of the year for so many great reasons.

The last few years have been very different since my mom passed. She left me with so many beautiful memories that I have plenty to look back on and be grateful for. My mom was the type of parent that could hardly wait for Christmas to begin opening presents. Lets be real, she also didn’t want me waking her up early so many times we did our presents on Christmas Even instead of waiting until Christmas morning. Each year I make sure that my partner opens one gift on Christmas eve regardless of how small it may be. I’ve never told him this but it’s one of those little things that keeps the memory alive.

Each year we put up two Christmas trees. His and His if you will, lol. I like a tree with multi-colored lights and glittery ornaments. Brian on the other hand prefers white lights and a tree full of ornaments both from his childhood and from his travels. Both trees are stunning and it’s disappointing each year when they have to come down.

There is also a massive Christmas village that Brian puts up each year. Probably 50-ish houses and all of the people to match. It’s a Department 56 village so it has all of trimmings to really make it come alive. A few novelty houses as well such as Play-Doh and Lego. Takes a few hours to put it up and a few more to take it down.

I hope that everyone takes the time to truly enjoy this holiday season. I would love to hear some of your traditions!

It’s Beginning…

Holidays , Personal , Random • Nov 12, 2013

… To look a lot like CHRISTMAS!

And it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Normally this ‘pre-christmas’ celebrating is not something that I have any interest in partaking in. I like to put my decorations up after thanking, listen to my christmas music after thanksgiving, and I prefer being cheerful after thanksgiving as well. But… something has changed this year! And what else can I say aside form that face that i’m ready for the christmas season now!

It’s been a long year. There is no other way to put it and no way to sugarcoat the situation either (is this a situation?). I think that the thing that I enjoy most about the holidays is the mood. The feeling that everybody is happy, everybody is excited, and everybody is full of some sort of ‘warm-and-fuzzy’ bug! I can’t wait!

I started my holiday season by downloading Kelly Clarkson’s new christmas album, Wrapped In Red. I think that album came out in October technically .. but .. I was good and I at least waited until Halloween was over before I started listening.

On a side note.. this album is FANTASTIC! Probably not her best work ever, and probably not the best christmas album you will ever own, BUT it’s full of a lot of heart! You can tell that it wasn’t something that she just threw together in a rush (i’m thinking of YOU Jessica Simpson and your Happy Christmas album).

I’ve been looking at Christmas Sweaters (you know.. the REALLY ugly ones) and i’m actually looking forward to buying one to wear to all of those holiday parties that I never get invited to! lol. Anyway, I think that this may be the first year that my Christmas tree goes up before eating that delicious Thanksgiving day turkey and i’m not ashamed!