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Seasons Greetings

GGMT , Holidays , Personal • Dec 5, 2016

seasonsgreetingsTis’ the season! Holiday decorations, pine scented candles, christmas lights, decorated trees, hot chocolate and so much more! There are so many great things to love about the holiday season. It’s my favorite time of the year for so many great reasons.

The last few years have been very different since my mom passed. She left me with so many beautiful memories that I have plenty to look back on and be grateful for. My mom was the type of parent that could hardly wait for Christmas to begin opening presents. Lets be real, she also didn’t want me waking her up early so many times we did our presents on Christmas Even instead of waiting until Christmas morning. Each year I make sure that my partner opens one gift on Christmas eve regardless of how small it may be. I’ve never told him this but it’s one of those little things that keeps the memory alive.

Each year we put up two Christmas trees. His and His if you will, lol. I like a tree with multi-colored lights and glittery ornaments. Brian on the other hand prefers white lights and a tree full of ornaments both from his childhood and from his travels. Both trees are stunning and it’s disappointing each year when they have to come down.

There is also a massive Christmas village that Brian puts up each year. Probably 50-ish houses and all of the people to match. It’s a Department 56 village so it has all of trimmings to really make it come alive. A few novelty houses as well such as Play-Doh and Lego. Takes a few hours to put it up and a few more to take it down.

I hope that everyone takes the time to truly enjoy this holiday season. I would love to hear some of your traditions!

Book Review: A Piece of Cake (a memoir) by Cupcake Brown

Literature , Reviews • May 31, 2014


I’ve read some really good books over my somewhat short 27 years. REALLY good books. I was browsing the shelves at Barnes & Noble a couple of months back when I came upon ‘A Piece of Cake‘. It, as a lot of books always are, was in the by 2 get 1 free section of the store. Generally my first stop when visiting a store like that.

Good Reads states the following –

This is the heart-wrenching true story of a girl named Cupcake and it begins when, aged eleven, she is orphaned and placed in the ‘care’ of sadistic foster parents. But there comes a point in her preteen years – maybe it’s the night she first tries to run away and is exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex all at once – when Cupcake’s story shifts from a tear-jerking tragedy to a dark, deeply disturbing journey through hell.

The back of the book is a bit different but states basically the same. I mean, a journey through hell? I don’t want to sound like a crazy person (generally i’m trying to avoid that) but that sounded like something that I just had to read.

My idea of this book was that it would be somethings similar to ‘A Million Little Pieces‘. Everybody knows that story. The author that Oprah went crazy over and the entire book turned out to be more of a fabrication than a memoir.Well, i was wrong. Although i found it to be a similar concept the actual layout of the book and of course the story was completely different.



Personal , Random • Feb 8, 2014

I don’t know why i find journaling so chalenging. Not challenging as in I cant do it – it’s just i’m never motivated to do it. Is that lame? lol.

When my grandmother (dads mother) passed a couple of years ago the only thing that I truly wanted of hers was her journals. I always had the understand that she kept those journals (and she truly did journal daily) for the majority of her life. Although I haven’t truly taken the time yet to read through all of them it was awesome to read the things that I did.

On the flip side though I think that at times what your reading can be a bit sad. She felt different at times about various situations that she never shared with anybody. You can’t go back and change those situations but it’s good insight for future events.

So that leads me to keeping my own journal. I’ve debated over the years on if I should keep a paper journal or digital journal. Over the last few years i’ve really tried to keep both. The digital journal is easier, you don’t have to worry about where it’s at, and of course it’s passcode protected.

But .. at the same time it’s kind of nice to sit and write in a paper journal. Something a bit relaxing about it i guess. I was diagnosed with the onset of carpel tunnel last year so thats one thing to think about as well. It’s a bit painful to write at times so the digital option can somewhat remain easier.

I’ve also been using the Day One app for sometime now. It syncs between my ipad, computer and my iPad which is awesome. I really don’t have a reason to not journal because of truly how easy it is.

I guess that brings me back to my original point though – if it’s so easy for me to have access to journal then why the hell don’t i do it? Does anyone out there keep a journal? If you keep a journal then how often do you take the time to actual write in it and update it.

99 Questions No One Asks

Random • Jan 26, 2014

So i’ve had this list for a little while. I got it from Leander @ Blog On The DList. I thought it was different than a lot of the random surveys. I also found a 2013 one I might consider. Enjoy! And don’t judge, haha.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

The room that we sleep in I believe generally has the closet doors open but my room (where my clothes are) the door is generally closed.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

OMG, sometimes! My partner generally gets pretty upset but I feel like i’m paying for all of this free crap!

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Tucked in i guess, lol. I mean they are tucked in each day but then you have to sleep in them!

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

Actually YES! Growing up we had some random street close to us. A friend of a friend had that last name!


WWE’s Top 10 of 2013 .. SO FAR!

Random , WWE • Jul 6, 2013

I found this list of WWE’s Top 10 moments of 2013 (so far). I have to say that I pretty much agree with everything mentioned below. Lots of great events have happened this year (although nothing crazy .. this isn’t the ATTITUDE ERA anymore people). Thought this was something I would share!

#10 – Bruno Inducted Into The WWE Hall of Fame

Hell certainly froze over when WWE announced that Bruno Sammartino would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. It was fitting for all that he accomplished and was deserved. Bruno sold out Madison Square Garden more times than anyone in the world. That is impressive in its own. What was more impressive was seeing him and Vince holding hands on the stage in front of a sold out crowd in that very building. Whether it was backstage hate, historical inaccuracies, or just a personal dislike, both guys swallowed their pride for the better of the WWE. Bruno Sammartino is the biggest superstar to enter the WWE Hall of Fame so far. Not many can top all that he has done over a long period of time.
