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Business , Personal , Random • Apr 26, 2014

Everything in life is simply one big BALANCING ACT. I feel like i’m constantly trying to balance everything that goes on in my life. Personal items, work items, and all of those items that feel in between the two. Bills to pay, websites to update, events to attend, contests to create, and a large home to clean and care for.

Initially as I write this i’m feeling a bit like i’m complaining (thats what I started out intending to do.. honestly) but i’m truly not. I’m speaking truth. To be successful in anything that you do it’s all about the balancing. Some people call it multi-tasking or prioritizing but lets be honest your balancing. Juggling multiple events and activities is what makes you look and appear like you know what you are doing.

My new position not new position as an Administrative Assistant within my organization has spent the last two months putting me to this realization. I am loving this new position and all the benefits/perks that go along with it but it’s been a bit more of a challenge than I honestly was expecting it be. I would say it’s a challenge that i handle well and i’m loving! I work for a large back and get the pleasure of supporting 3 managers. I’m always on my toes!

How do YOU balance?


Personal , Random • Feb 8, 2014

I don’t know why i find journaling so chalenging. Not challenging as in I cant do it – it’s just i’m never motivated to do it. Is that lame? lol.

When my grandmother (dads mother) passed a couple of years ago the only thing that I truly wanted of hers was her journals. I always had the understand that she kept those journals (and she truly did journal daily) for the majority of her life. Although I haven’t truly taken the time yet to read through all of them it was awesome to read the things that I did.

On the flip side though I think that at times what your reading can be a bit sad. She felt different at times about various situations that she never shared with anybody. You can’t go back and change those situations but it’s good insight for future events.

So that leads me to keeping my own journal. I’ve debated over the years on if I should keep a paper journal or digital journal. Over the last few years i’ve really tried to keep both. The digital journal is easier, you don’t have to worry about where it’s at, and of course it’s passcode protected.

But .. at the same time it’s kind of nice to sit and write in a paper journal. Something a bit relaxing about it i guess. I was diagnosed with the onset of carpel tunnel last year so thats one thing to think about as well. It’s a bit painful to write at times so the digital option can somewhat remain easier.

I’ve also been using the Day One app for sometime now. It syncs between my ipad, computer and my iPad which is awesome. I really don’t have a reason to not journal because of truly how easy it is.

I guess that brings me back to my original point though – if it’s so easy for me to have access to journal then why the hell don’t i do it? Does anyone out there keep a journal? If you keep a journal then how often do you take the time to actual write in it and update it.

Looking Back – Internet

GGMT , Personal , Random • Jan 26, 2014

I’ve spent the majority of my morning playing around with ARCHIVE.ORG. How freakin’ cool is this site? It really takes me back to when I started graphic design, blogging and fanlistings. Some of it I thought ‘oh god – how embarrassing’ but then i realized how proud I am of some of that cheesy work!

Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 9.47.19 AM

This is the first splash page for the original God Give Me Truth site. That was an original .com site that unfortunately, due to laziness, i lost. My original site in 2001 was HisWorld.Net followed by a celebrity fan site called MrLachey.Com. I’ve had numerous other items along the way such as a TCG, numerous fanlistings, blend sites, a Britney Spears fan site and even a couple of forums along the way. It truly has been a wild ride over the past 13 years but I don’t regret any of it!

I’ve looked to get GGMT off for years now. Recently I had a beautiful logo created by Jenn @ Hello Brio. Excited to finally get that up and running. Business cards, updated design, who knows! Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this journey over the years. I hope that it only gets better from here!

It’s Beginning…

Holidays , Personal , Random • Nov 12, 2013

… To look a lot like CHRISTMAS!

And it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Normally this ‘pre-christmas’ celebrating is not something that I have any interest in partaking in. I like to put my decorations up after thanking, listen to my christmas music after thanksgiving, and I prefer being cheerful after thanksgiving as well. But… something has changed this year! And what else can I say aside form that face that i’m ready for the christmas season now!

It’s been a long year. There is no other way to put it and no way to sugarcoat the situation either (is this a situation?). I think that the thing that I enjoy most about the holidays is the mood. The feeling that everybody is happy, everybody is excited, and everybody is full of some sort of ‘warm-and-fuzzy’ bug! I can’t wait!

I started my holiday season by downloading Kelly Clarkson’s new christmas album, Wrapped In Red. I think that album came out in October technically .. but .. I was good and I at least waited until Halloween was over before I started listening.

On a side note.. this album is FANTASTIC! Probably not her best work ever, and probably not the best christmas album you will ever own, BUT it’s full of a lot of heart! You can tell that it wasn’t something that she just threw together in a rush (i’m thinking of YOU Jessica Simpson and your Happy Christmas album).

I’ve been looking at Christmas Sweaters (you know.. the REALLY ugly ones) and i’m actually looking forward to buying one to wear to all of those holiday parties that I never get invited to! lol. Anyway, I think that this may be the first year that my Christmas tree goes up before eating that delicious Thanksgiving day turkey and i’m not ashamed!

Nashville – Planning

Fanlistings , Holidays , Personal , Travel • Sep 21, 2013

I’m coming to the realization that the worst part of vacation is the planning. I’m a very type A personality so I think that this should be something that I would like to do. I enjoy list making, some planning, etc, but it’s not easy doing it all alone. My OCD keeps me from making key decisions on my own, lol.

It was somewhat of a last minute decision to go to Nashville. Initially the plans were for Hawaii, and then do to cost we changed to Disney. Got quotes for the trip and everything! But.. once again the price just didn’t make sense. It’s so much money and although we can afford it we just didn’t want to pay out that kind of cash. We have a friend getting married in October so the decision was made to just spend a week in the city!

We spent an entire afternoon last week planning the sites that we wanted to see while relaxing with some coffee at Barnes & Noble. There are tons of great sites to see but it’s a challenge trying to plan in an area that you’ve never been in. Each travel book is so completely different that it’s a challenge putting it all together.

Just browsing through it all though it seems like there are a ton of things to do while in the city. I’m probably most excited to shoot over to Memphis and see Graceland. It is a place that i’ve wanted to see probably my entire life. The funny part is that i’m not even really an Elvis fan. I think it’s just the point of going and seeing a piece of the country that houses such a huge part of history. Music history!

On a side note the fanlistings are on their way to back up and running! The forum is open to old members and it’s exciting to begin to get back involved again.